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  • What am I buying?
    You're buying a unique beautiful children's book, written and illustrated by Blairsi. Your book(s) com with extra content for calming down, relaxing, and falling asleep. Each story comes with access to a different bedtime meditation video. They are not the same- they are each themed to the book you are buying :) Use your smart phone or smart tablet to scan the QR code inside your book. You will be able to select more advancing audio meditations from the same QR code in your book (coming soon)
  • What is the print quality like?
    The books come in hardcover, 9x7 landscape, classic children's book format. The print quality is wonderful. I am actually very impressed. The colors look great. The whole book is very sturdy and beautiful. Highly recommend ;)
  • Who's the publisher?
    Me! I am the publisher lol. I am the everything to this project. Every detail done by yours truly. I am self published. So for now, we are printing on demand. I'm delivering the best print quality I can find. It really is great! Though, ideally, I would have the books published with rainbow metallic edges on the pages... and I would have them on bookstore shelves everywhere!!! (I would absolutely love to find the right publisher and distribution for my special magical calming children's books brand. If you know people, well :), this is my lil dream, and now you know me.)
  • What is the shipping situation?
    For the moment, each book is printed after each order and then shipped. It's usually taking about a week to get the book from the time you placed the order, though it can take up to two weeks- and it does vary depending where you are. If you're wondering where your book is, please let me know, and I'll go find out what's taking so long :)
  • I'm in Canada or Europe... how do I get a book?
    You can still get the books! You just have to pay a more extravagant shipping fee :( If you don't see your area as a shipping option- I can find a way to add it :) Contact me if you have any problems.
  • Who are these books best for?
    These books are for children! :) Boys and girls ages 3+
  • What is the special animated meditation that comes with the book?
    In each book there is a QR code that gives you access to that book's calming bedtime meditation. You can pull it up easily on your phone or tablet. It is a special video of the book's illustrations animated to soothing music and sound effects. I narrate a calming (but entertaining) meditation on theme with the story you just read. There's guidance for relaxing, guided breathing instruction, and a count down to closing your eyes and beginning to visualize. It is called a bedtime meditation, because your child should be sleeping by the end of it :) I have received some feedback, that some customers would prefer just the audio for bed time or nap time. :) I am adding a few options. Customers will be able to select from the same QR code in their book, the video meditation, or different audio meditation selections that advance in sophistication. (All original and on theme to each book)
  • Do you write the books?
    Yes, I do. I have written so many, but illustrating them takes such a long time. I hope I can continue to produce them! The process brings me so much joy.
  • How do you make the Illustrations?
    A lot of prodding on my iPad Pro. I use an Apple Pencil in combination with a lot of different digital tools to storyboard it, collage it together, and digitally paint it out.
  • Why did you start doing this?
    I was yearning for a creative outlet that could encompass all my favorite creative skills and for a purpose I believe in. I'm very passionate about kids having an innate intuition that they can lean into. I'd been an international model before committing to this dream project. I needed my intuition more than anything else travelling the world as a young woman. Someone said to me, "You must love kids!" In the context that I am so passionate about my children's books. Yes, sure, of course... but really, it is that I don't see kids as just kids, but as people! I think it's so important they believe in themselves and create their own unique way (early on) to calm down and empower themselves from within. This is the first project that is all my own, and truly required me to learn so many new skills to combine with the ones I wanted to use, meaningfully, in the first place. It's been a lot more work than I knew when I envisioned this concept. I didn't particularly envision to self-publish and market it all myself. I have been learning so much along the way and really grateful for that. It's been such a challenging and amazing journey crafting this dream of mine! Thank you so much reading through my frequently asked questions this far ;)
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